Insights and Analysis

Mobile Developer Market Brief

Nearly every developer is a mobile developer, even if they don’t call themselves one. Over 75% of today’s professional developers belong to the mobile developer market. The latest Developer Media survey, based on a sample of over 20 million unique monthly developers who visit our sites, suggests developers are most likely to be “mobile developers” in their spare time (43%). They’re nearly as likely to be producing mobile apps and sites as part of their full-time job along with other development projects (36%). Dedicated mobile developers make up only 6% of the overall developer market. Mobile developers might not call [...]

Mobile Developer Market Brief2023-03-06T10:14:29-05:00

English Still the Lingua Franca of the Developer Web

In a recent article, "English is No Longer The Language of the Web," author Ethan Zuckerman, director of the MIT Center for Civic Media, wrote, that the explosive growth in Internet use around the world has dramatically reduced the amount of content in English. It's a fascinating article, and I recommend you read it to understand his perspective coming from this organization dedicated to giving a voice to people and communities worldwide. However, I continue to caution that most developer content remains in English. Developers are used to reading technical content in English -- and code itself is largely based [...]

English Still the Lingua Franca of the Developer Web2023-03-06T10:14:28-05:00

How to engage with the academic developer community … or even should you?

I've talked with several people lately who have asked about how they might best work with student developers. The short version of the story: it’s expensive and somewhat of a luxury, especially for a smaller company. How students interact with developer resources To provide some context, here’s my perspective on how students interact with dev resources. First: students work on projects their instructors want them to work on. There are outliers – the exceptions – who consume everything they can find, who build their own apps, who are entrepreneurial. But they’re the exceptions. Most students are busy being college [...]

How to engage with the academic developer community … or even should you?2023-03-06T10:13:38-05:00

The relevance of developers: everything is software

One of our core beliefs at Developer Media is that developers will soon be running the world. I don't mean they're taking over our governments, although recent news about hacker breaches and government electronic spying . The technology trends are clear: software is increasingly a part of everything in our lives. I’m writing this post, for example, in the car dealer’s service waiting area, where they are not only replacing an oil sensor, but are also updating the car’s software (mine is too old to get over-the-air automatic updates). There are thousands of other examples, some of which I’ll [...]

The relevance of developers: everything is software2023-03-06T10:13:38-05:00

Developer Evolution: June 2013

I recently returned from a brief trip to Microsoft's TechEd conference in New Orleans. There, I talked with many folks familiar with the market about what changes they see in developers over years. I don't mean just gray hair -- I mean collectively in how developers have changed in the past few years. Of course, Microsoft TechEd is much less about developers than it used to be -- they have become an under-served, de-emphasized subset of the conference audience. That said, there were a few of us in the developer market putting in a token appearance, and when I [...]

Developer Evolution: June 20132023-03-06T10:13:37-05:00

Startups: Overlooking The Intangibles

A recent article (blog post) in Harvard Business Review raised the important point that startups need to think about more than unique and innovative products. Instead, startups need to think about providing innovative business structures as well. It's interesting to think about how startups talk about "disruption," but only around their products. Instead, as Jessica Lawrence, this article's author, pointed out, Entrepreneurs are faced with a unique opportunity to not only build innovative products but also to build companies that break the cycle and do not play off of fear, false superiority, or treating work as simply an exchange [...]

Startups: Overlooking The Intangibles2023-03-06T10:13:36-05:00

CodeProject Announces Windows Azure Developer Challenge $2,500 Grand Prize Winner

The 10-week developer challenge saw 21 winners claim over $16,000 in prizes TORONTO — CodeProject, one of the world’s largest online communities of software developers, is pleased to announce Phil Lee as the grand prize winner of CodeProject’s recent Windows Azure Developer Challenge. Over $16,000 in prizes was awarded to 21 individuals throughout the 10-week Windows Azure Developer Challenge. The contest pitted developers from across the globe against each other in five stages of competitions that incorporated tasks like building a website, using SQL, spinning virtual machines, and building responsive mobile access for their Azure apps. A big congratulations [...]

CodeProject Announces Windows Azure Developer Challenge $2,500 Grand Prize Winner2023-03-06T10:13:35-05:00

Don’t Over-Slice the Developer Market

At Microsoft's Build 2013, I had many conversations with folks plugged in to the developer market. There were a handful of themes I heard repeated, and I'll share the first with you today. Microsoft's Dmitry Lyalin, told me, "The role of the developer is expanding. We are expected to be not just be the web guy or desktop guy, you're expected to be the developer. You have productivity being pushed down on you from corporate level and you are expected to have your skill set transpose across a bunch of technologies." As marketers, we have a tendency to want [...]

Don’t Over-Slice the Developer Market2023-03-06T10:13:34-05:00

Presentation Highlights: How are Developers Different and How Do I Talk To Them?

Marketing to Developers: How are they different and how do I talk to them? from Jeff Hadfield I've just uploaded to SlideShare the TL;DR ( i.e. "abbreviated") version of the presentation I've shared with hundreds of people about marketing to software developers. Many have asked for a glimpse of this presentation, and here's the answer. Normally we tailor the presentation to your needs: for example, we can drill deeply into developer personality types, how they differ from everyone else, and thereby how they prefer to hear information. We also spend a lot of time talking about what developer-focused tactics and [...]

Presentation Highlights: How are Developers Different and How Do I Talk To Them?2023-03-06T10:13:34-05:00

Why PCs aren’t dead, dying or even terminally ill

By many reports, the PC industry is dying. I maintain that it is not; it's just evolving. As a technology marketer, it's important to understand this evolution, and that the future embraces multiple devices, from phone and tablet to PC. Developers now serve multiple devices. (This is the original IBM 5150. In my part-time job in high school I serviced these. Back in my day, young whippersnapper, RAM came in sleeves and you had to push each chip into the socket.) An article in the Sunday New York Times this week reported that tablet sales continue to affect PC [...]

Why PCs aren’t dead, dying or even terminally ill2023-03-06T10:13:33-05:00
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