Developer Personalities Introduction: The Visual Edition

We recently published a Research Brief - an introduction to Developer Personalities. It's likely developers don't think like you do, so better understanding them helps you offer them better value and marketing that addresses their concerns and needs. But some of us prefer to see things a bit more graphically ... so here's the slide deck summary of this initial introduction to developer personalities (still, go download the brief too). You may notice a few new insights sprinkled here and there, too. Research Brief: Developer Personalities Introduction from Jeff Hadfield

By |2023-03-06T10:13:28-05:00August 21st, 2013|Insights and Analytics|

Why Developers Seek Shiny Objects

Photo taken at the recent Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, where developers came not only for technical education but also to check out shiny objects. I've been working with clients the last few weeks, and one of the key themes has been innovation, and how software drives innovation. Developers build software -- and they're the key drivers of innovation. While that Euclidean chain of logic makes sense, it's particularly interesting when we pair this insight with the recent personality research we've done. As I've posted previously, developers personality types help provide insights into what they do and why [...]

By |2023-03-06T10:13:25-05:00October 11th, 2013|Insights and Analytics|

A Case for Developers as Artisans, Not Just Artists

There’s no exact parallel for how and what software developers create. But in a recent article on Venture Beat, Mulesoft’s James Donelan wrote an excellent piece on how developers are like artists. It’s an excellent perspective, and I highly recommend it. While I find the idea of describing developers as artists sound, I’d like to take it one step further. I’d prefer that developers be perceived more as artists than engineers, or, heaven forbid, assembly line workers. However, I think there’s a linguistic subtlety here that can help us even better understand developers. For years I’ve described developers as engineers, [...]

By |2023-03-06T10:12:31-05:00November 12th, 2013|Insights and Analytics|

Developers Question Everything

When given a task do you carry through without hesitation or do you first question whether the task is even worth doing? Or maybe you’re the type that tends to just disregard and ignore any expectations set by others from the get-go? When you set a goal for yourself do you follow through and accomplish what you set out to do? Or are you the owner of an ever-growing list of unfulfilled New Year’s resolutions? In short, how do you deal with expectations? To answer this question, best-selling author Gretchen Rubin developed a framework to examine how we tend [...]

By |2023-03-06T10:11:46-05:00February 22nd, 2016|Insights and Analytics|
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