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Developer Media connects your company with the industry’s decision makers.

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Create Campaigns Targeting the Right Developers at the Right Times

Successful marketing campaigns rely on placing a variety of messages along the buyer’s journey across multiple touchpoints. Developers want to be marketed to in a way that is relevant to them.

The tactic you choose should address your strategic intent. Is your ad part of a short-term or long-term strategy for your product or service?

Developer marketing is best approached holistically, considering the needs of your audience, their preferences and then matching the attributes of your products and the solutions they provide.

Newsletters offer an opportunity to build and sustain a marketing effort with your developer audience. It’s as simple as keeping in touch and giving your audience content they want and like from a source they know and trust.

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Relevant, Targeted Marketing Campaigns that Reach Experienced Developers

We’ve Unlocked the Code to Advertising

DeveloperMedia offers developer-focused advertising and marketing solutions with key campaign elements such as newsletter sponsorship, email blasts and display banners. Talk to us to learn how you can engage with millions of developers.