Meet the Developer: Introducing Sacha “Try before I Buy” Barber

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing and advertising to developers, you absolutely should. “Meet the Developer” helps you discover the person behind the code. Learn who they are, why they write about developing, and how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. I had the great pleasure of corresponding with Sacha Barber. Sacha is a life-long learner who loves teaching. That’s why he gives back and writes for developer-to-developer (D2D) communities like CodeProject. Here’s what Sacha had to say about himself, writing [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Sacha “Try before I Buy” Barber2023-03-06T10:11:10-05:00

Meet the Developer: Introducing Allen “Tell Me a Story” O’Neill

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing to developers, you absolutely should. Our goal with “Meet the Developer” series is to give you, the marketer, insight into individual developers. Meet the people behind the code and learn about how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. I had the great pleasure of speaking with Allen O’Neill. Allen, a self-taught developer in Ireland, really values the support of the developer community in his own education and growth in his profession. That’s why he gives [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Allen “Tell Me a Story” O’Neill2023-03-06T10:11:06-05:00

Meet the Developer: Introducing Marc “Challenge the Mainstream” Clifton

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing to developers, you absolutely should. “Meet the Developer” lets you get to know individual developers.  Meet the people behind the code and learn about how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. I had the great pleasure of corresponding with Marc Clifton. Marc loves writing about novel approaches to coding and challenging mainstream concepts of software architecture. That’s why he gives back and writes for developer-to-developer (D2D) communities like CodeProject.  Here’s what Marc had to say [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Marc “Challenge the Mainstream” Clifton2023-03-06T10:11:03-05:00

Meet the Developer: Introducing Mahsa “Always Improving” Hassankashi

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing to developers, you absolutely should. Our goal with the “Meet the Developer” series is to give you— the marketer—insight into individual developers. Meet the people behind the code and learn about how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. I had the great pleasure of speaking with Mahsa Hassankashi. Mahsa has earned a Master of Computer Science degree, but she is looking for a Ph.D. position. Throughout her career, she has relied on the developer community [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Mahsa “Always Improving” Hassankashi2023-03-06T10:11:01-05:00

Meet the Developer: Introducing Mark “Context Is Everything” Downie

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing to developers, you absolutely should. Our goal with the “Meet the Developer” series is to give you, the marketer, insight into individual developers.  Meet the people behind the code and learn about how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. Mark follows Scott Hanselman’s blog. In addition to following Scott’s blog, he has contributed as an interviewee on Scott’s podcast, Hanselminutes. Funnily enough, it was Mark’s own blog,, that indirectly motivated him to first reach [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Mark “Context Is Everything” Downie2023-03-06T10:11:00-05:00

Meet the Developer: Introducing Peter “I Can Be Bribed” Kvis

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing to developers, you absolutely should. Our goal with the “Meet the Developer” series is to give you, the marketer, insight into individual developers. Meet the people behind the code and learn about how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. Peter Kvis (a.k.a. “Sonko”) participates in the Simple Programmer developer community. He started contributing there because the site helped him so much as a student. He still feels like he gets more out of it than [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Peter “I Can Be Bribed” Kvis2023-03-06T10:10:59-05:00

Meet the Developer: Introducing Michael “Show Me the Info“ Washington

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing to developers, you absolutely should. Our goal with the “Meet the Developer” series is to give you, the marketer, insight into individual developers.  Meet the people behind the code and learn about how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. Michael visits Alvin Ashcraft’s blog regularly to keep abreast of the rapid changes in his industry. He appreciates how Alvin curates his list of what is going on instead of relying on some kind of algorithm. [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Michael “Show Me the Info“ Washington2023-03-06T10:10:57-05:00

Meet the Developer: Introducing Jeff Fritz

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing to developers, you absolutely should. Our goal with the “Meet the Developer” series is to give you— the marketer—insight into individual developers. Meet the people behind the code and learn about how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. I had the great pleasure of corresponding with Jeff Fritz, or just “Fritz,” as he likes to be called. Jeff is a bit of a celebrity in the developer world. He has a live-coding show on Twitch [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Jeff Fritz2023-03-06T10:10:56-05:00

Meet the Developer: Introducing Anupam “Show Me the Code” Chugh

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing and advertising to developers, you absolutely should. “Meet the Developer” helps you discover the person behind the code. Learn who they are, why they write about developing, and how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. I had the great pleasure of corresponding with Anupam Chugh. Anupam is a contributor to the developer-to-developer community, JournalDev. He likes to share his knowledge as well as learn from others. If you want him to click on an ad [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Anupam “Show Me the Code” Chugh2023-03-06T10:10:56-05:00

Meet the Developer: Introducing Zsolt “Keep It Simple” Nagy

What about the developer? Have you ever wondered about the developer experience of your advertising? If you are marketing to developers, you absolutely should. Our goal with the “Meet the Developer” series is to give you, the marketer, insight into individual developers.  Meet the people behind the code and learn about how they experience the advertising and content you are throwing at them. Zsolt participates in the Simple Programmer developer community. He started contributing there because of a common interest with founder John Sonmez, the game of poker, and a desire to start sharing what he knew. He has [...]

Meet the Developer: Introducing Zsolt “Keep It Simple” Nagy2023-03-06T10:10:54-05:00
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