D2D Marketing: An Advertising Guide

Developer-to-developer (D2D) communities are places where developers go to share and obtain the information they need to do their work. D2D marketing, a form of developer marketing, is a content marketing strategy that leverages the strengths of placing your content and advertising in target-rich, thriving D2D communities.  Download this guide to learn how you can use D2D community advertising in conjunction with content marketing to lend credibility to your brand, reach the right developers in the right environment, protect your brand identity, and draw in prospects with contests that have dev appeal. Click here to download the e-book, D2D [...]

D2D Marketing: An Advertising Guide2023-03-06T10:11:39-05:00

Download the Creating Winning Content Ebook

Winning content for content marketers targeting the modern developer and IT professional is content that interests them and delivers value. Creating winning content encompasses more than putting out an interesting blog post or white paper every once in a while. It is a commitment that requires a strong content marketing strategy connected to business goals.Well-constructed content marketing strategies include clear KPIs that are used before, during, and after a campaign. It requires a content strategy for developers and IT professionals that includes different forms of content with specific purposes including raising awareness of a technical problem, education about the characteristics [...]

Download the Creating Winning Content Ebook2023-03-06T10:09:55-05:00

Learn How Developers Think: Get the Latest “Meet the Developers” Ebook

Why Meet the Developers? We’ve all heard marketers say “developers don’t like to be marketed to.” But in reality, developers are people, too, though perhaps slightly more cynical. That said, they still need products, tools, and services to help them get their jobs done. Your developer marketing and advertising needs to align with how developers like to receive information. In the second edition of the Meet the Developers ebook, we've selected recent and relevant previous developer interviews with important insights into how they most like to receive advertising. In these interviews, you can hear from developers in their own words, [...]

Learn How Developers Think: Get the Latest “Meet the Developers” Ebook2023-03-06T10:06:52-05:00
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