Four Considerations for Determining Advertising Frequency

Digital advertising presents the advertiser with a lot of options, particularly when developers are the target audience. In the work of creating developer-focused marketing campaigns, it can be easy to forget that the frequency tactics that are effective for a wider audience may not be as effective for developers. This brief article offers four advertising frequency considerations to keep in mind as you work to build your developer marketing campaigns. This article also includes a digital-focused version of the famous AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) funnel. It illustrates the steps needed to compel developers to go from noticing your product [...]

Four Considerations for Determining Advertising Frequency2023-03-19T20:27:39-04:00

How to Create a Tech Content Strategy that Addresses Multiple Developer Roles

Reaching All the Roles In 2019, 68% of technical content marketers told the Content Marketing Institute that their top challenge last year was addressing a wide variety of roles. When creating technical content marketing materials for developers, roles have to be defined for both the business and technical categories of the developer decision-making unit (DDMU). Due to the complexity of the DDMU and the technical complexity of many applications, it’s obvious that the successful content marketer must create a tech content strategy that reaches multiple developer roles. Who Makes Up The DDMU The developer decision-making unit (DDMU) comprises all [...]

How to Create a Tech Content Strategy that Addresses Multiple Developer Roles2023-03-06T10:08:10-05:00

Dev Role Discovery Best Practices

What Do We Mean By Dev Roles? The roles that developers play in a developer decision-making unit (DDMU) are key to influencing how a DDMU (or team) decides to acquire and apply your brand’s product. And developers may have specific roles and expertise within a technical team that influence their points of view, priorities, and motivations. When creating technical content that your audience will find most useful in understanding your brand and your brand’s offering, it’s important to keep these elements in mind. Role Discovery It’s useful to begin role discovery by defining the DDMU you are supporting with [...]

Dev Role Discovery Best Practices2023-03-06T10:08:08-05:00

A Deep Dive Into Machine Learning Developers

To Gather Data Is Human We like to think we are data-driven. From large-scale government or business operations to individuals managing their budget, people justify decisions based on data. Our devices gather data to enable entities to aggregate vast amounts of data which are processed, analyzed, and correlated in order to draw conclusions. Data science (DS), machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) all process large amounts of data to make decisions. SlashData has recently published its annual State of the Developer Nation Survey, which includes a section devoted to developers of machine learning applications and the type of data [...]

A Deep Dive Into Machine Learning Developers2023-03-06T10:05:08-05:00
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