Think Conversions

Despite the importance of landing pages, simple elements are often overlooked, including making sure everything on a landing page works correctly. Landing pages are an integral part of your marketing and advertising campaigns. Landing pages shouldn’t be do-it-yourself projects, but they should be test-it-yourself to make sure everything works as advertised.

Any interaction with your brand should be frictionless for your audience. These interactions are the interface through which your audience commits to an action that will move your relationship forward — or not. Remember, your marketing reflects on your brand. Every interaction is a chance to win a prospect through conversion or lose a customer through friction.

#1 Make It Interesting, Engaging, and Attractive

Developers like attractive and engaging landing pages. A poorly constructed landing page becomes an exit page, and this can lead to skepticism toward future interactions. Even a typo can erode trust in your brand and the promise your brand is making.

Unless you have unlimited resources, every effort has a cost. Test your landing page prior to release so it’s done right the first time it’s launched. Developer audiences are not tolerant of do-overs. Don’t be afraid to create two landing pages with the same content, but with different formatting and graphics. Test them to see which one resonates with your target audience and go with the winner. Many CRM systems have an A/B testing feature built in.

#2 The Only Purpose of  a Successful Landing Page

HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY FROM THIS BLOG POST: Your landing page has only one purpose — to create a conversion. 

Key elements include:

  • Optimize each element of the landing page so that you have a seamless transition to convert a prospect to a customer. The best way to do this is to maintain consistency between your advertising and the landing page.
  • Create visual cues on the page so that your eyes track downward, left to right, and a logical path leads to the call to action.
  • Eliminate all non-essential distractions. Make it difficult for visitors to navigate away from the page by minimizing links. Make it easy for them to stay on the page by including a few references, some technical content, and a phrase or to which makes the developer want MORE of your product.

#3 Measure and Adjust

Landing page metrics should include entrance and exit information, page views, clicks, and bounce rate. The importance you tie to each of these metrics may impact your longevity with your employer, because they are indicators of the effectiveness of your campaign, including messaging and design elements.

Flawless execution is a competitive advantage. A survey of developers by CodeProject uncovered core sources of landing page frustration, including: 1) the misuse of technical terms, 2) trying to be “hip,” and 3) technical issues with the landing page. Common sense says not to do these things. If you heed this advice, your developer audience will appreciate you more over your competitors.

Bottom line

The opposite of frustration is satisfaction. And isn’t that really what we all want? We want our developer audience to have faith in our products, and to trust our brand. The quality of a brand in the digital age is most evident in the way that brand and its products are presented, including the digital assets that are used to present them. Interactions should be frictionless — offering an impediment-free journey from customer interest to product purchase. Make sure your landing pages are designed and developed with this in mind, and you will delight your developer audience and increase your conversions!



HubSpot – Landing page metrics

CodeProject – For those who code

CodeProject Developer Survey
Survey Results – What are the worst sins in a website aimed at selling things to developers? – CodeProject

HubSpot – Frictionless interactions