Enterprise Developers: Unsung Innovators

Enterprise developers are the unsung innovators of the software economy. (Click here to tweet.) Some client meetings and presentations this week brought this to the forefront of my mind. It's so easy for all of us to visualize developers as young lads in a hackathon-style environment, "mashing up" and building the next Valley press darling. But most developers don't fit that description, and -- here's the important point -- this stereotype represents only a relative handful of developers. Most developers work for established companies. While every business is a software business in today's world, the companies most developers work [...]

Enterprise Developers: Unsung Innovators2023-03-06T10:13:24-05:00

Enterprise Development Changes Represent Opportunity

Developers, now more than ever, build applications from components. In the preceding decade and around the turn of the century this meant components for popular languages and tools like Visual Basic and Visual Studio. Today, those components consist of some of these traditional components, especially in the “presentation,” UI/UX layer, but even more so those components involve services. In most cases, those services are accessed through an API. Space does not permit a deep dive on APIs here, but they already dominate and will continue to do so in the future. Consumer apps rely on a tapestry of interwoven [...]

Enterprise Development Changes Represent Opportunity2023-03-06T10:13:23-05:00

It’s Enterprise Development, but it’s Not In-House

Very few enterprise development projects are completed entirely in-house. A client recently asked about this, and it's a common enough question that it warrants a brief answer. Two factors have changed the face of enterprise development. The first is economic, the second is technical. First: About 10-12 years ago, as the economy forced companies to downsize, companies turned more to outsourcing. This, in turn, created a lot of smaller companies who exclusively provide services to large companies and government agencies. For example, I know the founder and the president at Interknowlogy well, and while they can’t divulge their entire client [...]

It’s Enterprise Development, but it’s Not In-House2023-03-06T10:12:27-05:00
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