
DevOps has become a force in business and the development community because it’s designed to break down silos in a business enterprise between developers, functional business groups, and IT. Designed to counteract “throw it over the wall’ handoffs between groups, DevOps is a bridge meant to increase efficiency and create a robust Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) strategy. DevOps has specific segments designed to address lifecycle management, and from this structure, specific tools have been developed to facilitate development efforts.

DevOps Methodology and Tools

DevOps is designed to be a continuous process, allowing iterative improvements throughout; a key to its success is the containerization of software applications and services using tools like  Docker technology. By containerizing software applications, conflicts between operating environments are eliminated, and the collaboration between IT professionals and developers is increased. Docker technology enables developers to focus on the Plan-Code functions, collaborate with IT on Build-Test functions, and it lets IT focus on the infrastructure related functions of Release, Deploy, Operate and Monitor. Applying clear lines of responsibility for each of these functions improves the process and the end result.

Version control is another area of DevOps where tools have been developed to facilitate the process, and these tools include products like GitHub, which was designed to accelerate functions in the Code-Build and Deploy segments. Application performance monitoring using intelligent agents is possible through a tool provided by AppDynamics, facilitating functionality in the Monitor function of applications.

Going outside of the application development environment and into infrastructure, there are tools available for network IT monitoring, such as Datadog. Overall, the DevOps compartmental methodology is designed to make use of these tools to optimize development, deployment and operations. Qentelli has developed a comprehensive list of development tools for DevOps applications, which showcases the number of resources that tool developers have devoted to this growing segment.

Advertising These Tools

According to the results from the  2021 DeveloperMedia User Survey by Evans Data Corporation (summarized in Table 1), over 55% of those surveyed have factored in DevOps as part of their development strategy. Since DevOps encompasses a number of different functionalities, it has generated professional interest from both IT and developer communities, making it an attractive advertising target for tool developers.

Table 1 – Development Strategy

bar graph of development strategy

There is no doubt that DevOps is a complex process with many facets involving multiple functional groups, but because the process is well defined, and well understood, an ecosystem of development tools has been developed by reputable vendors. A trusted resource like DeveloperMedia can be used to guide advertisers to compatible development communities with messaging that resonates with the needs of companies pursuing a DevOps strategy. As critical as the messaging is, it has to be contextually appropriate to meet developer expectations, and studies have shown that digital display advertising remains one of the most effective ways to reach your audience.  It is also one of the easiest ways to measure results.

To learn more about DeveloperMedia and opportunities for advertising DevOps tools to developers, contact us.


Docker – Microsoft  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/containerized-lifecycle/docker-application-lifecycle/containers-foundation-for-devops-collaboration

GitHub https://github.com/learn/devops

AppDynamics https://www.appdynamics.com/info/apm-tools

Datadog https://www.datadoghq.com/

Qentelli https://www.qentelli.com/thought-leadership/insights/devops-tools

DeveloperMedia Audience Survey by Evans Data Corp https://developermedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/DeveloperMedia-Audience-Survey-2021-v210503.pdf

DeveloperMedia https://developermedia.com/