Why You Still Need Email to Reach Your Developer Audience in a Social Media World

Social Media — All In? “Social media” has become an accepted term to describe a variety of communication forms over social networks. Initially, it had a positive connotation. But as the medium has evolved, so have its negative aspects. Social media will continue to evolve over time, but as of today, people tend to view certain categories of postings with a measure of skepticism, thanks to exaggerated claims and links to false information. The bottom line is that though social media is an effective form of communication, its associated pitfalls mean that care must be taken when selecting a [...]

Why You Still Need Email to Reach Your Developer Audience in a Social Media World2023-03-06T10:03:49-05:00

How to Use Brand Awareness to Reduce Developer Fear and Anxiety

Trust in Advertising One of the fundamental truths in any civilization is that trust is hard to build and easy to destroy. If you research the elements of trust, you will find sources covering a range of elements (approximately 3–9) that are mostly focused on building trust between individuals. But what about commercial trust—say between a solution provider and a developer? For this relationship, we propose the elements of reputation and longevity for consideration. The first element, reputation, means that products or people are inherently trusted because they have a reputation which reduces our anxiety and mitigates our fear. [...]

How to Use Brand Awareness to Reduce Developer Fear and Anxiety2023-03-06T10:03:45-05:00

To B2D or Not to B2D: The Nobility of Marketing to Developers

Introduction Let us consider for a moment the software developer. Many people use the terms software engineer and software developer interchangeably, but there is a distinction. Software engineers design software solutions, while software developers build those solutions to ready them for consumers. Designing and building are how things get done — for everything from houses, to cars, to reactors, to spaceships. In the 21st century, our lives run on software, and without it, the world would grind to a halt. In ancient times, a developer might have been considered royalty. Developers wield tremendous power, because according to OwlGuru, software [...]

To B2D or Not to B2D: The Nobility of Marketing to Developers2023-03-06T10:03:43-05:00

Influencing the Developer

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions… Decisions can make or break a career, depending on the costs and possible outcomes, but risks are mitigated for developers if the responsibility for a decision is spread amongst the project team. And while the team leader is fundamentally the decision-maker, they will generally gather input from all team members, and may involve stakeholders outside the development team who have a vested interest in the project. Those stakeholders could include business leaders, financial staff, or sales and marketing. Businesses understand that their success is a matter of producing results, so the critical part of the decision [...]

Influencing the Developer2023-03-06T10:03:42-05:00

How to Use Developer Curiosity to Reduce Developer FUDA (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt and Anxiety)

The Stress of Decision-Making Research has determined that there are seven steps we typically go through in the decision-making process. First, we must recognize that a decision needs to be made. Then, we need to gather information, identify alternatives, evaluate possible outcomes, make a choice, implement that choice, and evaluate our decision. The amount of thought we put into the process and the amount of associated stress is directly proportional to the costs involved and the magnitude of the outcome. Specifically, decision-making developers who have responsibility for big projects feel the weight of their decisions long after the decision [...]

How to Use Developer Curiosity to Reduce Developer FUDA (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt and Anxiety)2023-03-06T10:03:41-05:00

The Secret to a Successful Landing Page

Think ConversionsDespite the importance of landing pages, simple elements are often overlooked, including making sure everything on a landing page works correctly. Landing pages are an integral part of your marketing and advertising campaigns. Landing pages shouldn’t be do-it-yourself projects, but they should be test-it-yourself to make sure everything works as advertised.Any interaction with your brand should be frictionless for your audience. These interactions are the interface through which your audience commits to an action that will move your relationship forward — or not. Remember, your marketing reflects on your brand. Every interaction is a chance to win a prospect [...]

The Secret to a Successful Landing Page2023-03-06T10:03:40-05:00
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