The Loop
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Email Open Rates: Misleading Metrics and Best Practices
It’s Still Not Working While email open rates aren't a viable way to measure marketing effectiveness, we recommend some proven ways to get more from your email marketing. There’s no time like the present for us marketing professionals to stop using email open rates to measure marketing campaign effectiveness. It’s 2019, and they’re still not helping us get where we want [...]
Meet the Developer: Introducing Julia Nash
“Give Me a Good Visual Experience” It’s easy to put developers in a box. And, while trends are supported by the anecdotes we are generating in this series, the delight is in the details. So is the insight. Developers like Julia Nash crave an uninterrupted visual experience. Maybe it’s because she came to love programming through gaming and game development. Julia [...]
How to Produce the Best Public Documentation
A recent CodeProject survey showed that the biggest impediment to learning a new technology was poor documentation. When Evans Data Corp asked an even wider audience of developers why they had rejected proposed and even purchased tools in the last year, as many developers cited a lack of adequate documentation as did cite poor integration with their existing environment (28%). When [...]
How to Select the Best Contest Platform Partner for Your Developer Challenge
So...You Are Planning A Developer Challenge Developers LOVE a challenge. New problems, new ideas, a chance for recognition, rewards, and to build something new and interesting. Giving developers a challenge that helps them learn to use your API, service, or tool is one of the most effective ways to build your brand, create buzz around a product, and foster developer community [...]
How to Produce Popular Developer Tutorials
Tutorials are by far and away the most popular technical content for developers to consume and share. So, clearly, if you are marketing to developers with any hope of success, tutorials are on your content marketing playlist. But they are also on your competitors’. So what does it take to make a popular developer tutorial? Thanks to Evans Data Corporation and their [...]
The Secret to Technical Content Marketing Stardom
You are a consummate professional. You can create a content marketing strategy for all occasions — go to market, incremental growth, you name it. And you know how to get it done. You are getting it done, but it is taking more of your time than you thought, and resources can be scarce or unreliable. Particularly the human kind — the [...]
Developers Reveal Their Biggest Challenges When Learning a New Technology or Framework
It’s Like a Tough Mudder For Their BrainsLife-long learners, yes. Thrilled with every step of the process? No. Modern developers notice the hard parts of learning just like everyone else. Because of the nature of their work, they have very specific challenges. Fortunately, these are challenges that technology, tool, and framework companies are well-poised to help them overcome. Yes, YOU can help [...]
The Dirty Word for Technical Content Marketing
C’mon. You know it. You’ve heard it. You’ve snickered at it, maybe even blushed. If you take pride in your job, you’ve even taken umbrage at it. And for technical marketing, it’s bandied about even more freely. “Lies” You’ve got it. “Lies.” The dirty word. “Marketing is a lie.” “Marketing lies to you.” Say it however you like. You can use [...]
Download the Creating Winning Content Ebook
Winning content for content marketers targeting the modern developer and IT professional is content that interests them and delivers value. Creating winning content encompasses more than putting out an interesting blog post or white paper every once in a while. It is a commitment that requires a strong content marketing strategy connected to business goals.Well-constructed content marketing strategies include clear KPIs that [...]
Meet the Developer: Introducing Oana “Quality Ad, Quality Product” Mancu
It’s easy to put developers in a box. When you have a skeptical technical audience, you can feel like you are messaging to deaf ears. However, developers like Oana Mancu have sympathy, even empathy, for companies trying to provide a product — especially if you deliver an entertaining, high-quality ad, a high-functioning product website, and are willing to listen to her [...]