English Still the Lingua Franca of the Developer Web

In a recent Quartz.com article, "English is No Longer The Language of the Web," author Ethan Zuckerman, director of the MIT Center for Civic Media, wrote, that the explosive growth in Internet use around the world has dramatically reduced the amount of content in English. It's a fascinating article, and I recommend you read it to understand his perspective coming from this organization dedicated to giving a voice to people and communities worldwide. However, I continue to caution that most developer content remains in English. Developers are used to reading technical content in English -- and code itself is largely based [...]

English Still the Lingua Franca of the Developer Web2023-03-06T10:14:28-05:00

Developer Evolution: June 2013

I recently returned from a brief trip to Microsoft's TechEd conference in New Orleans. There, I talked with many folks familiar with the market about what changes they see in developers over years. I don't mean just gray hair -- I mean collectively in how developers have changed in the past few years. Of course, Microsoft TechEd is much less about developers than it used to be -- they have become an under-served, de-emphasized subset of the conference audience. That said, there were a few of us in the developer market putting in a token appearance, and when I [...]

Developer Evolution: June 20132023-03-06T10:13:37-05:00

Dev Demographics: Who is the Developer Media audience?

To construct an effective marketing strategy it’s critical that you understand who your audience is. To execute an effective marketing strategy it’s essential that you know where to find that audience. Here at Developer Media we focus solely on the software development space and helping you connect with the developers you need to reach. We represent thousands of the most influential websites, online communities, blogs and projects serving the software and app development market. But just who exactly are the millions of professional developers that visit our network each month? We recently conducted a survey of over 450 CodeProject [...]

Dev Demographics: Who is the Developer Media audience?2023-03-06T10:11:54-05:00

Dev Tidbits #002: 1 in 4 developers think they’re “The Best”

There are plenty of stereotypes about software engineers and developers that cast them as a quiet, introverted, geeky, and pedantic bunch. But based on my own experiences working with many in the industry I’d say that these are largely hackneyed and outdated notions to keep. That said, there is one stereotype that seems to hold true: some devs have BIG egos. In fact, according to the results of an informal poll that we conducted with over 1,600 CodeProject.com members, 1 in 4 developers think they are the best member of their team. Even if an individual developer doesn’t think [...]

Dev Tidbits #002: 1 in 4 developers think they’re “The Best”2023-03-06T10:11:53-05:00

Cloud Developer Trends (2015 Update)

Just a few short years ago the “The Cloud” was one of the biggest emerging trends (and buzzwords) in the tech sector. The buzz and hoopla has since worn off and given way to new shiny objects like the Internet of Things or the latest mobile development platforms. That doesn’t mean developers have forgotten about cloud computing; it’s just more ubiquitous now. As part of our ongoing pursuit to garner greater insights into how the developers within our own audience are interacting with different technologies and trends, we recently surveyed over 400 CodeProject members on a range of topics [...]

Cloud Developer Trends (2015 Update)2023-03-06T10:11:51-05:00
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