The Loop
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To B2D or Not to B2D: The Nobility of Marketing to Developers
Introduction Let us consider for a moment the software developer. Many people use the terms software engineer and software developer interchangeably, but there is a distinction. Software engineers design software solutions, while software developers build those solutions to ready them for consumers. Designing and building are how things get done — for everything from houses, to cars, to reactors, to spaceships. [...]
How Does B2D Compare with B2B and B2C Marketing and Advertising?
Defining the Target Audience Where does the developer audience fit in the B2B world? While many of the attributes of the B2B, B2C and B2D markets overlap, there are significant differences which should be taken into consideration when developing your marketing and sales strategy targeting developers. You may think that marketing to B2B consumers would be considered a more personal interaction [...]
How to Use Brand Awareness to Reduce Developer Fear and Anxiety
Trust in Advertising One of the fundamental truths in any civilization is that trust is hard to build and easy to destroy. If you research the elements of trust, you will find sources covering a range of elements (approximately 3–9) that are mostly focused on building trust between individuals. But what about commercial trust—say between a solution provider and a developer? [...]
Understanding Google’s Helpful Content Update
Attention: Marketers, Content Managers, Creators On August 28, 2022, Google began rolling out a “Helpful Content Update,” which is a new method they are using to evaluate content and the way web pages are ranked. Google is using this to improve results for searchers so they can find helpful, original content, as opposed to content which is posted for the sole [...]
Funnel Logic – The Intersection of Advertising and Search
Advertising and Search Advertising and search should be viewed as complementary tactics which can be used to move your target customer from peripheral interest to purchase-ready. Using the Attention – Interest – Desire – Action (AIDA) funnel as a guide, we can see how both fit into the buyer’s journey. The AIDA funnel encapsulates a process; its steps are tunable filters [...]
Successful Brands and Their Advertising Strategy
Why Bother Advertising? Humans rely on repetition to learn, and successful advertising is all about frequency and repetition. Promoting your brand through advertising is a core function of marketing. Iconic brands like Apple, IBM, Nike, and Coca Cola earned their status by curating their brands through consistency and by maintaining a presence in front of their audience through advertising. Uber-icon brand [...]
How to Create the Most Effective, Engaging, and Targeted Email/Eblast
Introduction Email remains an important and effective means of connecting with your audience. Email is so ubiquitous that constructing a promotional email may seem like a no-brainer. But if you’ve fallen into a rut and your latest emails have not generated the expected results, it may be time to review some email content creation fundamentals, and consider some alternatives to what [...]
Why You Still Need Email to Reach Your Developer Audience in a Social Media World
Social Media — All In? “Social media” has become an accepted term to describe a variety of communication forms over social networks. Initially, it had a positive connotation. But as the medium has evolved, so have its negative aspects. Social media will continue to evolve over time, but as of today, people tend to view certain categories of postings with a [...]
Meet the Marketer – Lydia Nicoll
Developer Marketing Insights With this new series, we are spotlighting professionals who are focused on marketing to developers. Our goal with this series is to provide access and insight from peers like Lydia Nicoll, so that you can learn firsthand how they market to developers. We also want to share best practices, and we hope you’ll learn something new! An American in [...]
Meet the Marketer: Introducing Jason Ng
Developer Marketing Insights With this new series, DeveloperMedia is spotlighting professionals who are focused on marketing to developers. Our goal with this series is to provide access and insight to your peers, like Jason Ng of Redis, so that you can learn firsthand how they market to developers, share best practices, and learn something new. The Man with the Plan Confident [...]